Would you like to build a free website like this one?
Here you can find all of the resources that I have used
to build this website. Free internet resources can be
obtained by clicking on the underlined links below.

Website Hosting

  The first thing you need to do is find a free host for your website. My first recommendation would be Tripod: This website is hosted on Tripod. They provide you with a short URL that begins with your name. Angelfire: They are a cousin of Tripod as both are members of the Lycos network. FreeYellow: These guys don't fill up your website with too many advertisements but the URLs are rather long. Not an advantage when trying to get listed with the search engines and directories. But I've still seen FreeYellow sites listed high in searches so maybe it doesn't hurt too much.

HTML editors

  HTML!!! No I can't program! Not to worry. All of the above hosts provide template oriented website design tools. It's as simple as typing in text or copying and pasting HTML code provided by the "get paid to surf" companies.

  For the more adventurous types there are many free form editors available. I recommend HTML-kit from Charmi. It is a full featured HTML editor that will build a web page, check it for errors, and make sure it is compatible with all browsers. Tools built by some of the large monopolies generate proprietary code and is not guaranteed to be 100% compatible with all browsers. HTML-kit is freeware and quite an impressive work.

Graphics etc.

  You've built yourself a website full of text and now you want to spruce it up a bit eh? That's fine but don't get carried away. Graphics will make the loading of your web page slow down a bit or a lot depending on the size and file type (GIF or JPG). As a rule GIF files load faster so are more common. If you absolutely need graphics try one of these: About.com or try Draac's GIFS 1-2-3 Both of these sites ask that you get permission to use their graphics for anything other than personal use. Please be aware that there are copyright laws and stealing is still a crime! Besides it makes all of us look bad.

Promotion of Your Site

  promote   I have found the best service on the web for promoting a website. There is no need for me to link to anybody else for the purpose of self promotion. If you have a website, you absolutely have to check out this amazing, wonderful, incredible resource. You can use it for free to register your site with all the important search engines and indexes, and THEN decide if and how much you want to pay to support the service. It's great -- so great that even a notorious cheapskate like me gave them some money!

  That's right! It's a shareware Internet site. This service is fully functional. There are some extra goodies for registered users. This fellow really cuts to the chase and strips the hype and mystery from the subject of search engines.

E-mail me at: bigmak.wa@netzero.net Questions answered for free to the best of my abilities. All I ask is that you join one of the "get paid to surf" programs on my HOME page. I will make myself available to people in the Seattle area for phone help if problems can't be solved by e-mail.

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